a Bit about Me
I sit on the floor
Outside my window there's a steel wall sky
Migraine's calling and dropping by
all I am is wondering
I don't know myself
can recite history for anyone
can make your machine beautiful
can clean to avoid life
clinging to everyone else's ideals
don't know what I wanted for me
lost my eye site to patriarchy
took a detour downtown
lived my parent's life
walked in on myself
and was so surprised to find
I lived here
I survived
there's no winning the knife fights
just degrees of bleeding to be
have my scars
my body is a temple carrying tattooed reliefs
I can't tell you anything
that's the secret to fortune telling
yo already know
walked away from me once
and I let myself go
I have to be my own star
there is no one else who
can read me or see me or make this whole
sense of being completed
human mysteries
and I am a secret
armed with unicode lies and lifelines
just try
one more breath
just try
to reach for
and even now
I am secret
seeking to be known
bringing down the world
destroying every last dream
eating hope
for fuel
come and see the destruction
lend a hand
there is no desecration
if the intent is accepted
take the pieces left over
take the offered hand
take more than anyone
and build the new me